Manna Media Godmercials

GodMercials Logo ColorGodmercials:

A visual presentation of a spirtual reality often in 60 seconds or less, designed to perform like visual gospel tracts, causing people to think or rethink their relationship with God.


One of everybody's favorite Godmercials!

We Are

The producer's favorite

This Godmercial will encourage you!


But to who or what are you thankful?

He Is

A presentation of how God makes Himself known


Not sure what God wants you to do?

Big Barney's Barn Bonanza
A humorous parody on a not so humorous topic.


Where or who do you place your trust?
The Lessons of My Father 
Often children don't understand why they have to do things they really don't want to do
Sure you could try to do it alone but......
All I Need  
God reminds us of His faithfulness
The Letter
Restoring a father son relationship
The Thanksgiving
Guests can be surprised!
Silent Night
"Blessed are they who see Christmas through the eyes of a child" Unknown
The Presentation
Have you ever thought about life's final presentation?
Tourist or Ambassador?
You can easily spot a tourist
It is time for the church to rise and shine!
Many products we purchase come with an expiration date.
Laws, laws, laws. So many laws. Some are obvious and well known, others obscure. But, what does God have to say about laws? You may be surprised to find out!
Not a day goes by that something doesn’t change.
Signs are everywhere, yet people still can be lost.
Someimes after something is gone, only then do we realize its value
